Type-safe C bindings #1: Using ocaml-ctypes and stub generation

There’s sometimes you just don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Working day-to-day in OCaml, you start to enjoy the fruits of a statically, strongly typed...

There’s sometimes you just don’t want to reinvent the wheel. Working day-to-day in OCaml, you start to enjoy the fruits of a statically, strongly typed language. For example, it’s reassuring to know that, whilst your code might be full of bugs, it ain’t gonna segfault on you. But then you find yourself needing to use an existing C library and boom. Tread carefully in this minefield because one false step and you blow your foot off.

one does not simply call a c function

There are a lot of things that can go wrong when writing your FFI bindings and that’s mainly because you have to write a lot of C code. The OCaml manual has a large section full of rules that you’ll need to follow: for example, you need to make sure you handle the translation from OCaml values to C types and back again; you must rigorously follow a set of rules to stop the OCaml garbage collector moving your 🧀 cheese; not to mention if you want to handle callbacks or multithreading correctly.

Enter OCaml Ctypes

You didn’t get into OCaml to write C code. And with the OCaml’s Ctypes library you don’t have to. With Ctypes, you can define the C interface in pure OCaml, and the library then takes care of loading the C symbols and invoking the foreign function call.

The old and busted (hand-rolled bindings)

Here’s an example: suppose you wanted to bind flock(2), the declaration of which is in <sys/file.h>:

extern int flock (int __fd, int __operation) __THROW;

If we were to bind this function without any help from Ctypes we’d end up with something like this (as found in Jane Street’s Core):


CAMLprim value core_unix_flock(value v_fd, value v_lock_type)
  CAMLparam2(v_fd, v_lock_type);
  int fd = Int_val(v_fd);
  int lock_type = Int_val(v_lock_type);
  int operation;
  int res;
  char error[FLOCK_BUF_LENGTH];

  /* The [lock_type] values are defined in core_unix.ml. */
  switch(lock_type) {
    case 0:
      operation = LOCK_SH;
    case 1:
      operation = LOCK_EX;
    case 2:
      operation = LOCK_UN;
      snprintf(error, FLOCK_BUF_LENGTH,
               "bug in flock C stub: unknown lock type: %d", lock_type);

  /* always try a non-blocking lock */
  operation = operation | LOCK_NB;

  res = flock(fd, operation);

  if (res) {
    switch(errno) {
      case EWOULDBLOCK:
        unix_error(errno, "core_unix_flock", Nothing);


This could then be used from OCaml with the following external primitive declaration:

module Flock_command : sig
  type t

  val lock_shared : t
  val lock_exclusive : t
  val unlock : t
end = struct
  type t = int

  (* The constants are used in the [core_unix_flock] C code. *)
  let lock_shared = 0
  let lock_exclusive = 1
  let unlock = 2

external flock : File_descr.t -> Flock_command.t -> bool = "core_unix_flock"

Now, in this simple, single function, there are a number of sharp edges:

  1. All local variables or parameters to the function of type value need to be wrapped in one of the CAMLparam macros. If you have more than 5 values you need to make multiple macro calls;
  2. flock takes an integer argument to specify the kind of lock operation you would like and these values need to be correctly transcribed from the header file in both the C stub and the OCaml wrapper;
  3. Manual calls to release and re-aquire the OCaml global interpreter lock: caml_enter_blocking_section and caml_leave_blocking_section.

The new and shiny (using Ctypes)

Using the Foreign module from Ctypes, we can replace all of the C code above with the following single line of OCaml:

open Ctypes
let flock = Foreign.foreign "flock" ~check_errno:true (int @-> int @-> returning int)

It’s then readily available for calling:

# flock 1 1;;
- : int = 0

Now we have wrapped our entire C call and it even comes with error checking. It’s a type-safe declaration (with respect to the C types). The ~check_errno argument is quite handy as it will check for errors when the return code of the function is non-zero and translate the contents of errno to an OCaml Unix_error:

# flock 15 1;;
Exception: Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EBADF, "flock", "").

As we can see, the type-safety is only with respect to the C types. The function takes two integers but both of which should really be wrapped to stop these kinds of errors. For example, the first of these is a file descriptor so we could create a wrapper in OCaml that took a Unix.file_descr and converted that to its underlying int value before calling. We could do a similar trick by wrapping the second parameter up in a type (as we saw in the Core example) to only allow valid values for the __operation parameter. This will avoid any EINVALs like the following:

# flock 1 10;;
Exception: Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINVAL, "flock", "").

The newer and even more shiny (stub generation)

The above approach solves some of the pain-points of hand-rolling your own C bindings but there’s still a couple of places you can stub your toes.

If I were to try and bind a function that doesn’t exist, the library would fail with a linking error but there’s nothing stopping me creating a bogus definition to flock, for example by declaring it as void @-> returning string. This would obviously not work as expected.

Fortunately, Ctypes has another way of binding to C: stub-generation. Here, we can declare what we think the function is and we will find out, at compile-time, if we made any mistakes.

We can define a functor that specifies the signature of the foreign call as follows:

module Bindings (F : Cstubs.FOREIGN) = struct
  let flock = F.foreign "flock" (int @-> int @-> returning int)

And we can then pass this as a first-class functor to the Cstubs functions to generate the ML code:

Cstubs.write_ml Format.std_formatter ~prefix:"flock_stub" (module Ffi_bindings.Bindings)

and the C code:

print_endline "#include <sys/file.h>";
Cstubs.write_c Format.std_formatter ~prefix:"flock_stub" (module Ffi_bindings.Bindings)

Now this doesn’t solve all of the issues but it solves quite a few. With a bit of build voodoo, we can generate all the C (and the ML) that we’ll be needing. We can then wrap this and expose this function in our OCaml library.

let flock ?(nonblocking=false) fd operation =
  let op_flag = flag_of_lock_operation operation in
  let flags = op_flag :: if nonblocking then [ nonblocking_flag ] else [] in
  B.flock (Obj.magic fd) (crush_flags flags) |> ignore

With stub-generation you are even able to get access to the constants defined in the C library using #define. This uses a different interface from Ctypes. For example, if you wanted to bind the constants used as flags to flock(2) then you can do this as follows:

module Types (F: Cstubs.Types.TYPE) = struct
  module Lock_operation = struct
    let lock_shared = F.constant "LOCK_SH" F.int
    let lock_exclusive = F.constant "LOCK_EX" F.int
    let lock_unlock = F.constant "LOCK_UN" F.int
    let lock_nonblocking = F.constant "LOCK_NB" F.int

Now we can use the generated ML to instantiate our functor and access these values:

module T = Ffi_bindings.Types(Ffi_generated_types)

let flag_of_lock_operation = function
  | `LOCK_SH -> T.Lock_operation.lock_shared
  | `LOCK_EX -> T.Lock_operation.lock_exclusive
  | `LOCK_UN -> T.Lock_operation.lock_unlock

What’s next?

This is a dramatic improvement and removes a lot of the opportunity for error. It’s a bit of a pain to automate the build process since the stub-generation code needs to be compiled and run to produce a C program, which in turn needs to be compiled and run to output the generated ML. This is, of course, necessary since we need the C compiler to tell us about our incorrect use of symbols.

This can be done using Oasis with some custom ocamlbuild rules. An example of this, and all of the above, can be found on Github.

Now, the purist in you might always want to reimplement the functionality natively in OCaml, but when you just can’t be arsed, go forth and bind with confidence!

Full-time basher of keyboard; part-time consumer of beef jerky.

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